Coolkenno History

ADOPT A MONUMENT: - Here is a great initiative on offer by the Heritage Council of Ireland for communities across Ireland to help maintain their national monuments. Whether it be an Ecclesiastical monument like Aghowle Church, a prehistoric complex like Rathgall and Knockeen Hillforts; prehistoric burial places like Labbanasighe in Moylisha or Haroldstown Portal Tomb, or even buildings or earthen constructions relative to medieval, post-medieval and early modern Ireland, then please show your ideas by commenting to this post and we can voice our desires to which local monument would be worthy to be applied to this initiative. The application has to be submitted by February 19th. The monuments can include ringforts, castles, churches, old burial grounds, tombs, mottes and baileys, burial mounds, immobile artwork, prehistoric complexes, medieval complexes, battle sites etc.